So now that i'm in my 30's, it seems that times have totally changed. Instead of getting items as needed and only getting items when needed has totally turned into the buy big and buy in bulk. For instance last night, we traveled around on our shopping experiences once again. Seeing as how the nearest babys'r'us is like 45-50 minutes away, we had to go to the local toys'r'us whose selection is less than appealing and with more disorganization. Anyways our plans to spend more than 50 dollars but less than 100 to get a whopping free 5 dollars three months from now had us excited. Then of course our parousing the isles of baby stuff ended when we found the buy one get one 50% off! We practically wiped them clean of everything in that category. We managed to get some breast milk storage bags, some gel things, some sort of cream thing, and a couple of other things that i have no idea what it's going to be used for but i'm sure i'll find out in the next six months. Since we had most of the items on the baby list and planned on getting them at full price we were very excited now. Scratch one more item needed off the list, and add it to the now room of stuff we have. YaHOO!
My wife is slowly getting bigger and bigger as our baby keeps on growing insider her. Our most recent follow up appointment showed everything looking wonderful. Ultrasound looked great, we just need her to grow a few more weeks. We based the halfway mark the other day, which was quite exciting seeing the 2o weeks complete, 20 weeks to go. We have the name narrowed down but won't be revealing that to anybody until the day she is born. That is by far the one secret we are keeping and the one secret we aren't dying to tell everyone just quite yet.
The house is progressing very well. Hopefully we are on the projected completion date of 2-3 months on the time line we have with the progress that has been made. Which would put us as moving in around the end of may? Driving by on my way to work has become a daily occurance. And seeing the progression reminds me of the days way back when we i used to work as an electricion. Right now, the roof is on, the interior framework has been completed, and we are waiting for the exterior doors and windows and the plumbing rough in. Today we plan on going with measurements of our stuff and start planning where things will go. How sad is that!
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