Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Two Weeks!!!

I wish i was saying our house would be done in two weeks but... not even close.  Nope the drywall and the stucco just arrived onsite.  Still sitting in a huge pile outside and inside the garage.  The good news is they have taken to our recommendations and the recommendations of the financing company to go ahead with the appraisal.  So... I'm thinking since they can't get us into the house quick enough they think they are going to appease up by getting the appraisal.  I'm not holding my breath.  I still think the appraisal will come in round about 140's, nowhere near the 160 they hope to get.  Either way, it should be an interesting next two weeks.  Since we are so confident the appraisal will go through, we've decided to start our scout work in looking for a preexisting house.  Of the five houses i scouted yesterday on my bike, we have two potentials with 1 possible.  Today, i plan on scouting another 3 houses but will more than likely only get 1 potential with 1 possible from that trip.  That leaves us with only 6 houses to determine our house from that would meet our needs.  The questions is what house meets our needs the best?  Each house has unique features that set them apart from the others all have at least one advantage and one disadvantage.  I feel like we are on the show house hunters only this time it's in real life.  The good news is in the next two weeks we will find out either way if we are going to buy the house we are building or else buy another house.  Time will only tell.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Okay, the last few weeks have been lacking in post.  Funny, It's just like the lack of work that's being done our house.  Needless to say it's been almost an entire month and we haven't seen hardly anything completed or even fixed for that matter on the house.  Phone calls have been giving us the run around with empty promises of how things are moving along.  What they fail to realize is i used to work in construction as an electrician.  So back on the 4th of april we met wit the superintendent of the job site.  Suprisingly he remains optimistic that the house will be completed in the first week of may.  Just like all the superintendent's i worked with back then, he has no idea what he's doing.  The house isn't going to be completed in the first week of may.  The drywall still isn't even onsite as of today.  I'm thinking we'll be lucky if the house is completed by the end of may at the earliest from my predictions.  I would definitely say we have become realists with everything in this house.  We realize that the house wouldn't be completed in six months like they said it would, nor will it be completed by the beginning of may like they said it would.  Also we've pretty much realized there is no way this house is going to appraise anywhere near what they are asking for it.  I'm expecting this house to appraise somewhere in the 140's range at best.  Nowhere near the 160's they are asking for it. Frankly i wish we lived in the same make believe world they are living in because who knows maybe money does grow on trees there.  So Plan B was started again.  After all we all need a fallback, right?  The good news is we have a potential fallback.  We have started potentially looking at preexisting houses once again.  We have a few on the grid that are potentials if the builder isn't willing to negoiate, which we don't think they will.  After all why would they want to lose money?  The biggest concern is that this same house is going for 30,000 cheaper about 45 minutes away from here.  Now i'm not a rocket scientist, but i know for a fact that the labor and building materials in these two areas isn't going to make up the difference of 30,000.  Yeah i will admit the cost of the lot may be a little cheaper there but nowhere 30,000 cheaper.  According to the everybody is building, since it will be complete by the first week of may, we should find out about the appraisal at the end of this month.  I guess time will tell.

Happy Anniversary!!!

Well it's official.  We hit the 4 years of being together yesterday.  Surprise surprise!!  We are still together and still going strong.   We had a lovely lunch to celebrate our four years together.  We at Carrabba's.  Unfortunately, it wasn't our first choice for lunch.  We had hoped to eat at a japanese steakhouse but the one we intended to go to wasn't open for lunch.  It was excellent as usual.  It rieminds me on our wedding day as well seeing as how prior to our marriage ceremony, we had a prewedding lunch at olive garden.  I remember our wedding all too well. Considering we officially got married at the justice 4 years ago, it definitely wasn't a big ceremony.  I do remember feeling like i was on display from where we stood and all our friends and family lined up and took pictures of us.  I will never forget saying those words and looking into those beautiful eyes of the woman i loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  It was been the best four years of my life.  I'm looking forward this upcoming year the most as lots of changes are taking place.  New baby and potentially new house has definitly got me excited to experience it with the woman i love.   I'm also looking forward to the years to come as we get to experience so many more things together.